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Due to expected adverse weather conditions, all SRC campuses will close Friday 24 January. Students should undertake directed study from home. Please take care and stay safe.

LIFE AND LIVING SKILLS (ENTRY 3) Entry Level Certificate

  • Further Education
  • Armagh Campus
  • Lurgan Campus
  • Banbridge Campus
  • OCR


Life and Living Skills qualifications provide learners with high quality, nationally recognised qualifications. They are credit-based qualifications that provide valuable opportunities for individuals to develop skills, gain underpinning knowledge and understanding and offer opportunities for learners to progress to higher level units.

The entry level qualifications in life and living skills aim to develop confidence, self-esteem and independence in life and work skills. Learners cover a mixture of vocational and creative skills, as well as continuing to improve the literacy and numeracy skills required for everyday life.