
Our Community Development Officers work in partnership with other statutory agencies, schools, children’s centres, libraries and community and voluntary sector organisations to deliver adult education and skills to meet local needs. They also engage with other partners including Chrysalis Women’s Centre, Sure Start, Drumellan Family Learning Centre and the WALD Centre as well as our two local councils: Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and Newry, Mourne and Down District Council.

The community team also specialise in the development and implementation of funded interventions to meet the education and employment needs of disadvantaged, marginalised and hard to reach groups, to change lives and enhance the local economy.

Meet the team

Jim Cunningham profile picture

Jim Cunningham

Community Development Officer
Craigavon Borough Council Area
Leslie Hamilton profile picture

Leslie Hamilton

Community Development Officer
Newry and South Armagh Area
Heather profile picture

Heather Kavanagh

Community Development Officer
Armagh Area