Read through our Frequently Asked Questions on registering and purchasing tickets, plus information for on the day.
Preparing to attend Graduation
Email invitations have already been sent to each eligible student which contains information on how to register and pay for tickets for HE Gradation. If you have not received this email please contact urgently.
The deadline for purchasing a ticket for yourself and one or two guests is Thursday 20th June at 5pm sharp.
You can purchase one Graduand ticket and up to two guest tickets.
If extra guest tickets become available, they will be on sale from Thursday 27th June (one extra guest ticket per Graduand only based on tickets still available). We will inform you of any available additional guest tickets via your College email account. These tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis.
Graduand Only ticket- £35
Graduand plus 1 Guest - £40
Graduand plus 2 Guests - £45
(Please note that this ticket price covers refreshments and academical dress)
Unfortunately, we cannot accept any late requests for tickets past 20th June at 5pm.
No. But you must advise us about any access arrangements or dietary requirements for all Graduands and guests. This includes the need for a BSL interpreter, if you or any of your party are wheelchair users, require an assistance dog or have a temporary disability. If you have not provided us with this information when registering and purchasing your tickets please contact us asap via
Those with outstanding fees or other debt to SRC will be unable to attend Graduation.
Payment of all outstanding fees MUST be paid by close of play on Friday 2 August 2024, otherwise the College will refund any graduation ticket fees paid and you will be removed from participation in the graduation ceremony.
Should you have outstanding fees, you should pay them by contacting Campus Services on 0300 123 1223 to make a payment and inform the Finance Department also by emailing Should you have any queries on outstanding fees please contact receivables department on or 0300 123 1223.
Students who have to resit examinations during the summer months or who have to submit additional work to successfully pass their course, will NOT be eligible to graduate until August 2025. All affected Graduands will be invited to the 2025 ceremony.
No. Your non-purchase of tickets will alert us that you do not plan to attend. Your certificate award will be posted to you after graduation by the exams team.
On the Day
Registration for Graduands opens on Friday 30 August at 9:30am and closes at 12 noon sharp. It is essential that all Graduands register at the Armagh City Hotel within this time period in order to gain admittance to the ceremony. Guests can gain entry to the main auditorium at 1pm and must be seated no later than 1.20pm.
The ceremony will be held in the Conference Centre at the Armagh City Hotel. There is a great number of parking spaces at the conference centre entrance and around other areas of the hotel. There are also ample disabled parking bays on site for blue badge holders. Upon arrival look for the registration desks to confirm your attendance.
This is a formal ceremony and so is not suitable for young children.
Academical dress consists of a gown, a hood, and a mortarboard. The different styles of gown indicate the levels of award. Similarly, the different colours and bindings on hoods indicate the different types of award being conferred. Students attending graduation are known as Graduands and are required to wear full academical dress comprising of a gown, mortarboard, and hood. It is advisable that Graduands bring a personal supply of pins to ensure that their hood is fixed to their gown appropriately.
Gowns MUST be collected from the Armagh City Hotel on the morning of Graduation between 9:30am – 12noon sharp. Please note that if you do not collect your gown before 12pm, you WILL NOT be able to graduate.
The gown supplier kindly asks that you do not throw your mortarboard as this may cause damage. We must also be mindful of the number who people that will be in attendance on the day and any risk of injury.
Gowns come in four sizes, and you will be given a gown based on your height. It is best not to wear silky material immediately under the gown as it will tend to slip off the shoulders. It is also advisable to pin or button your hood to a shirt/blouse or jacket.
Graduation is a formal ceremonial occasion marking an important achievement and stage in a student’s life. Graduands should, therefore, dress appropriately. Jeans, t-shirts, trainers, and other casual items of clothing are not considered appropriate.
Please note we recommend that securely fitted shoes with a suitable heel height should be worn as Graduands are required to walk up and down ramps and/or steps to the platform to receive their award.
We recognise that Graduation is a momentous occasion for all Graduates and their families. We kindly ask that you and your guests are mindful of other Graduates on the day and refrain from any behaviour that may cause disruptions or offense, such as gestures onstage or excessive noise.
Approximately 90 minutes.
No. It is imperative that you sit in the seat allocated to you.
No, it is essential that you stay seated until the platform party exits the ceremony.
The Ceremony shall include presentation of each Graduand on the stage, where names will be called, and handshakes (or equivalent formal gesture) given by a member of the academic platform party.
Lafayette Photography is the official photographer for the SRC Higher Education Graduation 2024. Photography orders and payments should be made directly to Lafayette Photography and NOT Southern Regional College.
Yes. College photographers and videographers will be taking photographs on the day of the Ceremony which may be used in College publicity material. If you do not wish for your photograph to be included in any College publicity, please make a member of the events team aware of this on the day.
If you attend Graduation you will be presented with a Southern Regional College Certificate of Achievement as you exit the platform following your conferment from the Chief Executive. Please return your gown by 4.30pm and receive your ‘official’ certificate from your awarding body.
If you choose not to attend Graduation in person, your award is conferred “in absentia” and your certificate will be posted to you in due course from the SRC Examinations Office.
Yes. Included in your attendance for your Graduation ceremony is a souvenir booklet which will have your name and award printed in it. You will also find a small graduation gift on your seat.
There will be refreshments for all guests. This is included in the price.
For any further Graduation enquiries please contact the Marketing & Communications team at or 028 3025 9695.